Women avoid consuming cold food during periods know the myths and facts

Women avoid consuming cold food during periods know the myths and facts

Should you avoid eating cold things like ice cream, cold drinks during periods. Many people grow up listening to this, drinking cold water complains of stomach ache and cramps. This can also cause problems of eragular periods. Due to which there can also be problems in blood circulation. But is there any scientific region of these things? Eating cold things during periods harmful? There is such a myth in Asian cultures that drinking cold things or drinks during periods causes a shock to the body. This affects the flows of…

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Home remedy and tips for periods pain how to get relief in periods pain

Home remedy and tips for periods pain how to get relief in periods pain

Period Pain: According to the biology of women’s body, they have to go through menstrual cycle every month. Sometimes it comes and goes away after a few days, but sometimes its occurrence is so painful that it becomes difficult to bear, it becomes difficult for the girls to even get up and the body starts breaking down. In such a situation, let us know how we can get relief from painful pain or cramps during periods- What causes pain during periods? 1. Primary Dysmenorrhea:During periods, your body releases hormones, which…

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Yoga For Menstrual Cramps Get Rid Of Period Cramps With These Five Yoga Poses

Yoga For Menstrual Cramps Get Rid Of Period Cramps With These Five Yoga Poses

Periods Pain Relief Yogasanas: Periods are different for everyone, some women experience little or no discomfort, others experience extreme body pain and severe cramps. A bad period day makes us want to lounge around and lie on our couch all day long. Certain yoga poses can help in reducing and providing relief from period cramps. However, it is important to note that everyone’s body is different and it is important that you exercise according to your body type. You may feel like doing a full yoga session and sometimes you…

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