cats can spread deadly bird flu to humans research warns health risk

cats can spread deadly bird flu to humans research warns health risk

Cats and Bird Flu: If you are also fond of keeping cats, then be careful. Because a new study has warned that pet cats can spread bird flu. For the last two and a half years, its havoc has been seen in poultry farms in America. This study published in Taylor & Francis magazine says that one or two mutations in cats help the virus strain to reach humans easily. Let us tell you that the deadly strain of avian influenza, often known as H5N1, has been the cause of…

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health tips cats can spread deadly bird flu to humans study warns

health tips cats can spread deadly bird flu to humans study warns

Pet Cats and Bird Flu : If you are also fond of keeping cats, then be careful. Because a new study has warned that pet cats can spread bird flu. For the last two and a half years, its havoc has been seen in poultry farms in America. This study published in Taylor & Francis magazine says that one or two mutations in cats help the virus strain to reach humans easily. Let us tell you that the deadly strain of avian influenza, often known as H5N1, has been the…

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