half of Indians are physically unfit, know what Lancet study said

Health Studies: A recent Lancet study says that more than half of the Indian population is not physically active. The Lancet study has expressed concern over Indians being physically unfit and said that the day is not far when more than sixty percent of the Indian population will fall prey to problems caused by lack of physical activity. This study published in Global Health says that more than half of India’s population is not able to meet the guidelines of adequate physical activity set by the World Health Organization (WHO).…

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Boost Your Mental Health with Dance Discover How Grooving Can Help

If you want to improve your mental health, then dance is a very good solution. Dance not only keeps us happy, but it also reduces our stress. When we dance, our body releases happiness hormones, which improves our mood. Apart from this, dancing helps us get away from our everyday worries and forget everything for a moment. So, if you want to lighten your mind and be happy, then dance hard to your favorite music. reduces stressWhen we dance, our body releases a special hormone called endorphin. This hormone gives…

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Tobacco is not necessary, sitting for a long time can also cause cancer

We often hear that tobacco consumption increases the risk of cancer, but in the modern lifestyle, there is another habit which we are ignoring, that is sitting for a long time. In today’s digital age, where most of the work is done sitting at computers and desktops, sitting for hours has become common. Be it working in office, watching TV or spending time on social media, sitting for long periods has become a special part of our lifestyle.  Experts say that sitting for a long time can increase the risk…

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It is very important for children and teenagers to be physically active, otherwise diseases will become a big problem in the future.

Physical inactivity is the fourth biggest cause of death worldwide. Different studies have found that physical inactivity has a strong association with chronic diseases and disabilities. In a recently revealed research, it has been predicted that if people do not remain physically active, then by the year 2030, about 500 million new patients suffering from long-lasting major diseases can appear at the global level. Cycling, walking or playing your favorite sport is one of the easiest and most effective ways to stay active.  Regular involvement in these activities helps in…

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Muscle Recovery Foods Include These Food Items In Your Diet To Recover Break Up Muscles After Workout Or Any Physical Activity

Muscle Recovery Foods: Workout is necessary to keep the body fit and fine. After working out or playing sports, the body needs some rest to regain its strength. That’s why it is also said that after doing sports one must rest for a few minutes. It is common for muscles to break when a person does exercise or sports. Because of this sometimes pain also occurs. Today, through this article, know which superfoods you can consume for fast recovery of muscles. In an interview, certified personal trainer and sports nutritionist…

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