Make instant pickle at home like this, it will stay fresh for 12 months, will make every food yummy

Make instant pickle at home like this, it will stay fresh for 12 months, will make every food yummy

Instant Pickle Recipe: An Indian thali is incomplete without pickles. Pickles are made in homes for 12 months during the summer season. Different types of pickles are made in this season, which you can store for the whole year. Some people are not able to make pickles at home due to lack of time. If you also do not have time to make pickles for 12 months, then let us tell you today how to make instant pickles. This instant pickle is made quickly and tastes delicious too. green chilli…

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Curry pickle doubles the taste of food, if made with this formula, it will not spoil for years

Curry pickle doubles the taste of food, if made with this formula, it will not spoil for years

Mohit Sharma /Karauli. Pickles have a special place in the plate of common Indian households. Pickle is considered the best option for spicy taste. Some are fond of eating it with food everyday, while some eat it occasionally. In Rajasthan, pickles are made according to the season, many pickles are such that they do not spoil for years. Right now is the best time to make mango pickle, which is called Kairi ka Achar in the local language. Women in every house in Karauli have started preparing this taste of…

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Alert Your Bones Can Become Hollow Due To Eating These Food Items

Alert Your Bones Can Become Hollow Due To Eating These Food Items

Bone Health: Bad eating habits and bad lifestyle are affecting our health. Nowadays people are struggling with problems related to bones at an early age. Even at a young age, when there is a slight movement, the sound of cut-cut starts coming from the bones. Apart from this, the problem of joint pain has also become quite common. Bad diet is the biggest reason for weakening of bones. Due to regular and excessive consumption of some food and drink, the calcium of the bones starts to disappear. Due to which…

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