health tips 5 warning signs of mental illness in hindi

health tips 5 warning signs of mental illness in hindi

Poor Mental Health Signs : The hectic life and work stress are spoiling mental health. This is the reason why mental problems are increasing rapidly. People of all ages are struggling with it. However, diseases related to mental health do not occur suddenly, there are some early signs of it. If they are identified on time, then they can be easily avoided. In such a situation, know 5 such signs that tell that your mental health is deteriorating… 1. Trouble concentrating If you are having trouble concentrating, taking decisions or…

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Are you afraid of going in front of people? So be careful, it could be a warning sign of a mental problem.

Are you afraid of going in front of people?  So be careful, it could be a warning sign of a mental problem.

Mental Health Signs: Are you afraid of going in front of people? Do you tremble at the mere thought of going in front of someone? If yes then it is a sign of your poor mental health. In such a situation, one feels anxious when going near someone. The reason behind this is that you do not want people to know about your shortcomings and judge them. This fear may seem normal but it can spoil a relationship and also badly affect mental health. Let’s know about mental health problems……

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health tips judging others can worsen mental health can be anxiety and depression

health tips judging others can worsen mental health can be anxiety and depression

mental health : It is a part of nature to form an opinion about someone without even knowing him, i.e. to judge him. It is considered very wrong to do so. It is not right to judge someone on their nature, clothes or work. Doing this has a negative impact on the mental health of both. Many problems can arise due to this and negativity can dominate the mind. Let us know what is the relation between mental health and judging someone… What effect does judging someone have on mental…

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