Potato prices have started rising again many places the rates are more than Rs 35 per kg what is the reason of price hikes

Potato prices have started rising again many places the rates are more than Rs 35 per kg what is the reason of price hikes

Potato Price Hikes: If the inflation of any item increases in the country, it is the common man who gets hit the hardest. Potato is one of the most consumed vegetables in India. In a way, it is an all-rounder. It is used in many works. But the price of these two potatoes has increased significantly. The price of potato has touched ₹35 per kg. In the month of February, the same potato was priced at Rs 12 per kg. So now its price has gone up to Rs 35…

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World Most Expensive Potato Le Bonnotte Produce In France Price Equal To Gold Silver

World Most Expensive Potato Le Bonnotte Produce In France Price Equal To Gold Silver

Potato, the number one vegetable and number one in taste, holds a special place in the lives of all of us. Sometimes it is used extensively as a vegetable and sometimes as a snack. Generally, potato is eaten throughout the year because its cost is low and it fits with every dish. At present, its price in retail is Rs 10 to 15 per kg and throughout the year it is sold at a maximum of Rs 20 to 50, but do you know that there is a variety of…

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Potato Price Cost Of French Is Rs 50 000 Per Kg

Potato Price Cost Of French Is Rs 50 000 Per Kg

Potato Production: Vegetables are made in every person’s house. There is hardly any person who does not agree with vegetables. Some vegetables are so common that they are used in most of the vegetables. For example, potato is one of those vegetables. The price of potatoes in India ranges from Rs 10 per kg to Rs 20 per kg. Many times the prices fall so much that 5 kg of potato starts selling for Rs.10 in the market. The time comes for the potatoes to rot. But today what we…

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