saif ali khan sufred heart attack in young age early sign of heart attack know the causes and symptoms

saif ali khan sufred heart attack in young age early sign of heart attack know the causes and symptoms

If you are feeling too weak or heart beat is going fast, do not ignore it, because these may be a sign of heart attack. Its symptoms may appear a week in advance. Some experts believe that the warning sign of heart attack starts to appear 1-2 months in advance, which should be taken care of and seek the help of a doctor immediately. Today we are going to tell you about 5 such warning sign, which start appearing at least a week before the heart attack. There may be…

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health tips heart attack warning signs before 1 week in hindi

health tips heart attack warning signs before 1 week in hindi

Heart Attack Warning Signs : If you are also under the illusion that heart attack occurs suddenly, then be careful, because its signs start appearing a week in advance. Ignoring these symptoms can be dangerous. Some experts believe that warning signs of heart attack start appearing 1-2 months in advance, paying attention to which one should immediately seek help from a doctor. Today we are going to tell you about 5 such warning signs, which start appearing at least a week before a heart attack. Also read: About 88% people…

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health tips heart attack symptoms apart from chest pain in hindi

health tips heart attack symptoms apart from chest pain in hindi

Heart Attack Symptoms : Heart is the most important organ of our body. As long as it beats, we are alive, so it is most important to take care of it. Nowadays, due to bad lifestyle and hustle and bustle, heart starts getting sick. The risk of heart disease is increasing not only among the elderly but also among the youth. In the last few years, the risk of heart attack among youth has increased significantly. The body often gives some signals before a heart attack. However, most people ignore…

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health tips heart attacks happen suddenly without warning know facts

health tips heart attacks happen suddenly without warning know facts

Heart Attack Myths : Heart attack remains a challenge for the whole world. Cases of heart attack are increasing rapidly in India too. Especially the youth are getting more vulnerable to it. The main reason for this is bad lifestyle and poor eating habits. Due to this the heart is not able to become strong. Apart from this, factors like pollution are also responsible for this. However, there are many misconceptions about heart attack. One of which is that heart attack always comes suddenly, there are no signs of it.…

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health tips constipation can be a warning sign of heart attack be aware

health tips constipation can be a warning sign of heart attack be aware

Signs of a Heart Attack : If you are not careful about heart attack, it can be fatal. That is why doctors forbid doing anything that increases the risk of heart attack. Before heart problems occur, many types of signs start appearing in the body, by paying attention to them you can get timely treatment. You must have heard about many symptoms of heart attack, but do you know that constipation can also be a warning sign of it? Actually, constipation or not having a clear stomach can also be…

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Just before a heart attack the pain starts at this place, then life is lost in these many minutes

Just before a heart attack the pain starts at this place, then life is lost in these many minutes

Heart Attack Warning Signs : When a part of the heart muscle does not get enough blood, there is a risk of heart attack. The longer it is treated, the more damage the heart muscle will suffer. Coronary artery disease (CAD) is considered to be the main cause of heart attack. Health experts say that chest pain occurs just before a heart attack and if not paid attention to, it can even lead to death. However, chest pain is not always a heart attack. In such a situation, let us…

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Do the signs of a heart attack appear suddenly and immediately, or do the signs appear beforehand? Know the truth

Do the signs of a heart attack appear suddenly and immediately, or do the signs appear beforehand? Know the truth

Heart Attack : Nowadays people of all ages are falling prey to heart attacks. Many times there is no time to reach the hospital. In such a situation, people feel that heart attack comes suddenly and quickly. It is impossible to avoid it. However, this is wrong, because the body starts giving some signs (Heart Attack Symptoms) three to four months before the heart attack. Many people ignore it thinking it is trivial, which can be dangerous, so one should be careful. about such things’Myth Vs Facts is a special…

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The color of the face is changing or there is swelling…be alert immediately, a heart attack may occur!

The color of the face is changing or there is swelling…be alert immediately, a heart attack may occur!

Pre Heart Attack Signs : Bad food habits and lifestyle are ruining the health of the heart. This has increased the risk of heart disease. Now not only the elderly but also the youth are becoming victims of heart attack. Heart attack occurs when blood circulation in the heart decreases and stops. Before a heart attack occurs, the body starts giving warning signs. Many people ignore it, which can be dangerous. Signs of heart attack are visible on many parts of the body as well as on the face. If…

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Heart Attack Symptoms Should Be Recognized In Time

Heart Attack Symptoms Should Be Recognized In Time

Heart Attack Symptoms: People are falling prey to heart diseases due to bad lifestyle, unnecessary stress. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO), every year about 18 million people die from heart diseases worldwide. These diseases include coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, rheumatic heart disease and other conditions. Four out of five deaths due to heart diseases are mainly due to heart attack and stroke. Due to this, the victims of heart diseases Heart attack cases are increasing rapidly among young adults. There are many such reasons,…

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Heart Attack Symptoms Are Different In Women Be Aware

Heart Attack Symptoms Are Different In Women Be Aware

Heart Attack Symptoms In Women: In the year 2022, many celebrities died of heart attack. famous comedian Raju SrivastavaBig Boss winner Siddharth Shukla had a heart attack while exercising and died in the hospital. The year 2023 means this year Miss Universe and famous actress Sushmita Sen had a heart attack. Due to this he had to be admitted to the hospital. Sushmita Sen’s heart attack had worried a large group of women. Experts say that if women want to avoid heart attack, then it is necessary to take care…

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