This is what karma looks like! Son was harassing a pregnant woman, mother showed negligence, she got this punishment immediately

We use airplanes to travel from one place to another. It takes us to our destination very fast. But sometimes we have to face difficulties in this. Sometimes people face problems due to turbulence in the plane, and sometimes the journey gets spoiled due to the actions of other passengers. A video related to this is going viral on social media, in which a child troubles a pregnant woman. The woman is sitting on her seat, then the naughty child sometimes shakes the seat, and sometimes makes noise. When the…

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Govt schemes useful for pregnant women government provides financial assistance after delivery

Pregnant Women Government Scheme: Many types of schemes are run by the central government for all the people of the country. There are many such schemes especially for women and daughters, which can be availed. Under these schemes, many types of help are given to women, in which financial help is the most. Today we are telling you about four such schemes for pregnant women, which can also be availed by the women of your family. Prime Minister’s Mother Vandana SchemePradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) is run by the…

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Alert! Due to heat wave, pregnant women may experience premature labour pain…child may be born, research reveals

At this time, there is severe heat not only in India but also in many countries of the world. At this time, the lives of many people are in danger due to heat wave and heat wave. Due to increasing heat and heat wave, everyone including elders, old people, children, pregnant women are very troubled. In some parts of India, the heat has reached 45-50 degrees Celsius."text-align: justify;">Heat has reached 50 degrees Celsius in these states of India These days, such extreme heat is being felt in Mungeshpur, Najafgarh and…

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pregnant women must not eat ultra processed fast foods know its risk for health

Pregnancy Unhealthy Food: It is generally advised to eat healthy things during pregnancy. Doctors also recommend focusing on nutritious food during pregnancy for the mother and the future child. But during this time the mother has a craving to taste many things and during this time she tries to eat her favorite food. Due to cravings, it is okay to eat your favorite food during pregnancy, but ultra-processed and fast food should be avoided during this period. Especially during this period one should avoid eating canned and processed food. Let…

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After all, why does the skin become dark during pregnancy? Do this work on time otherwise there will be loss

Along with many types of hormonal imbalances, there are many skin related problems during pregnancy. But generally it is not permanent but if proper care is taken then it can also be controlled. During this period, pregnant women should take special care of their skin.  The entire journey of pregnancy is very beautiful, but during this time women also have to face many challenges. One of the most common problems that many pregnant women face. That is the changes in their skin due to hormonal fluctuations. These changes can cause…

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The woman who gave birth to the son, has now become the mother of his child! Not only grandmother but mother will also say granddaughter

One gets to hear about many such strange relationships around the world, about which it is surprising to know. Sometimes a woman marries a stepson does it sometimes grandparents holding each other’s hands Let’s take Despite knowing the truth, such people do not want to separate. But the matter we are going to tell you today is a bit different and exciting. Actually, the son whom a mother gave birth to, brought up and brought up, in November 2022 also gave birth to her baby girl. Now she will not…

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The bones of girls always keep changing, from periods to these conditions, the shape changes.

It is said that when a woman becomes a mother, she is reborn. Actually it is said because after this process there are many changes in the body of women. These changes come in the shape of the body as well as in the bones. Now a research has been done on this in which many things have been revealed. Although this research has been done on macaques monkeys, but the results of this research can prove to be very useful for humans as well. What happened to the bones…

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Viral Story: Pregnant woman did not get medicine at the airport, airline worker became her protector

You are trapped in a very difficult situation, there is no hope of relief. In such a situation, imagine how you would feel if a stranger comes to help you. If you get peace, your eyes will also be filled with tears. Something similar happened with Parth Bhanushali. His wife was pregnant. Suddenly his health deteriorated at the airport. Parth could not understand anything. He was scrambling all around for the medicine. Only then an Indigo official came to help him. (IndiGo Official Helps Six-Month Pregnant Woman). This post shared…

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