prime minister of pakistan

Pakistan’s debt of 124 billion dollars to China implicated Shahbaz Sharif in CPEC project

Pakistan Debate: Pakistan is getting trapped in China's trap, the way Pakistan had thought about…

Pakistani leaders gave big statement regarding CPEC project and other hand China maintained silence

CPEC Project: These days, talks are going on between China and Pakistan to take forward…

Pakistan Economic Crisis IMF said Pakistan again going to bankruptcy due to economic crisis

Pakistan Economic Crisis: Pakistan, desperate for every penny, is once again on the way to…

Pakistan big business leader advises Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif to improve relations with India

India-Pakistan Relations: Pakistan is currently facing a historic economic crisis, in such a situation the…

Pakistan Suleman Son Of Shahbaz Sharif Returned To The Country Court Had Declared Him A Fugitive

Pakistan: Suleman Shahbaz, the fugitive son of Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, returned to Pakistan…