Food takes the time to Digest: This food takes the longest time to digest, expert explains the reason

 Most people around the world are looking for delicious food. Some people even travel for hours to eat the food as per their wish. But do you know which food gets digested first after entering the stomach and which food takes the longest time to digest. Today we will tell you which food gets digested quickly.  Process of food digestion Many times it happens that in the pursuit of tasty food, We eat too much food. But that food is not digested. When this happens, some problem related to the…

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Do you also often have scary dreams, know what is the reason

  It is very common to have dreams while sleeping. Some dreams we remember and some dreams we forget. But many times we have nightmares at night, due to which we wake up or get scared. Scary or bad dreams are called nightmares. But if you have recurring nightmares and wake up due to your dreams, then there can be many reasons behind it. Today we will tell you about the reasons for having nightmares and how to avoid them.    Some experts say that due to excessive tension and…

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