You Surprised To Know Benefits Of Giving Water To Sun God After Waking Up In The Morning Surya Dev Ko Jal Kaise Chadhaye

You Surprised To Know Benefits Of Giving Water To Sun God After Waking Up In The Morning Surya Dev Ko Jal Kaise Chadhaye

Good Morning Tips: The day should always be started with auspicious work, this makes your whole day good. It is believed that by offering water to the rising sun early in the morning, your problems end and luck also comes. Sun God is worshiped as a deity. Offering water to Sun God is considered very beneficial. People include it in their daily routine and start their day by offering water to Sun God daily. Chant this mantra while offering water to Sun God “Om Aditya Namah Mantra or Om Ghrini…

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Exercising During Your Periods Follow These Rules

Exercising During Your Periods Follow These Rules

Exercise During Period: Exercise and healthy lifestyle are most important to stay fit all the time. But with the onset of periods, most women get confused whether they should continue with their workout routine, skip their gym class or go slow. Mitten Kakaiya, fitness coach, Mitten Sage Fitness, says, “Every woman experiences menstruation differently. In fact, each period is different for each person. So when it comes to fitness routine or workout intensity, it is important that it changes according to every period and every woman. While during one month…

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