Number Of Viral Patients Has Increased With Change In Weather In Mathura – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

Number Of Viral Patients Has Increased With Change In Weather In Mathura – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

Cold and cough – Photo : istock Expansion With the change in weather in Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, people are going viral. Now cold and cough have also changed their form. The common cold which used to get cured in five to seven days is now taking more than 15 days. At least 20 to 25 patients suffering from this virus are reaching the district hospital for treatment every day. It is common to have problems like cold, cough, cold etc. when the weather changes. Although usually cold and cough get…

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Children should not get sick during the changing weather, take care of them in this way, do not be careless

Children should not get sick during the changing weather, take care of them in this way, do not be careless

Child Health: The weather is changing rapidly. It is mildly cold in the morning and evening and hot during the day. Carelessness of children also increases in this season. Sometimes we take bath in cold water and sometimes we eat ice cream. Due to which children become ill. Cold, cough and fever catch them. Therefore, special care should be taken of children in the changing weather. If some symptoms are seen in them, they should not be ignored at all, so that they can be saved from falling ill. what…

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