Deadly disease seen together in twin sisters, one was treated and symptoms started appearing in the other, how?

You must have heard that the actions of twins are similar. But it is hardly heard that both have the same disease. But Scotland’s Sophie Walker and her twin sister Megan are different. Both were born together. There is not much similarity in physical structure, but when Sophie got a deadly disease like cancer, soon after that Megan also started showing its symptoms. The doctors were also surprised to see how this could happen. While no one in his family was affected by cancer. Sophie Walker, 16, was diagnosed with…

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Cancer cases in children are also increasing in India, know how this disease occurs and which children are more at risk?

‘International Childhood Cancer Day’ is celebrated every year with this objective so that the pain and suffering of children fighting cancer can be removed to an extent. According to the ‘World Health Organisation’ 2030, 60 percent of the children worldwide who are cancer patients, whose lives can be saved from cancer. According to WHO, 20 percent of children in India are cancer patients. According to this figure, it can be said that India is the home of children’s cancer. About 75,000 children in India are getting cancer every year. The…

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