Do you also do excessive workout? So you too can be a victim of Rhabdo.

Do you also do excessive workout? So you too can be a victim of Rhabdo.

Rhabdo is a serious emergency disease. This happens when the muscles get injured due to too much workout. According to ‘Cleveland Clinic’, rhabdomyolysis is a serious injury in which a person’s muscles break down. When muscles break, the blood found in the veins of your muscles starts clotting and your blood circulation may get impaired. Due to which organ damage can occur and seizures may occur. It can cause permanent disability and in extreme cases even death. Excessive exercise and too much physical activity can cause serious injuries to the…

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Girls’ height can increase due to early periods, know what research says

Girls’ height can increase due to early periods, know what research says

Everyone aspires to have tall height. Parents are very worried about the height of their daughters. They feel that once their daughter gets her periods, her height will stop growing. Generally people say that after the start of periods, the height of girls can become only 6-8 cm tall. If you are also worried about this, then let us tell you what this research from Sweden tells. Claim made in research  A recent research by Gothenburg University in Sweden has revealed that the height of girls whose periods start before…

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Can You Take A Bath On Your Period Read Full Article

Can You Take A Bath On Your Period Read Full Article

Period is an important part of women’s life. This is a biological process. It is common for women to have mood swings and hormonal changes during periods. But some myths are also associated with the period. For example, during periods, girls are often told that they should not bathe with cold water for a long time. Also shouldn’t hair be washed? What is the logic behind this, today we will talk about this. These hormonal changes happen in the body during periods According to the news published in Network 18,…

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