What is Nitrogen Hypoxia, through which death sentence is being given in America

  In any country, death penalty is given as a punishment after being convicted by a court for a criminal offence. Generally, in case of death penalty, the convict is hanged. But this time in the US state of Alabama, death sentence is going to be given through nitrogen hypoxia on January 25. According to the information, this method of hanging is very scientific and painless. Today we will tell you what nitrogen hypoxia is.  Nitrogen hypoxia  In America, this method of death penalty was first tried on Alan Eugene…

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Hit and run laws in foreign countries are more strict than in India, fine up to Rs 56 lakh in UAE

  Strike is going on across the country regarding the new hit and run law of the central government. Due to this strike, common citizens are facing many problems. But do you know what is the law and punishment regarding hit and run in other countries? Today we will tell you what are the provisions of punishment in countries other than India.  Know what is the law in UAE  United Arab Emirates In (UAE), strict action is taken in hit and run cases. In hit and run cases in UAE,…

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