What is the difference between Sanatan and Hindu Dharma

What is the difference between Sanatan and Hindu Dharma

Dharam Karam: Are Sanatan Dharma and Hindu Dharma the same? Those who do not know the difference between them make the mistake of considering them the same. There are some subtle differences between Sanatan Dharma and Hindu Dharma. Scholars tell about them. While in Sanatan Dharma, importance is given to Vedas, Upanishads, Gita and Brahmasutra, in Hinduism, importance is given to scriptures and texts. Let us understand in more detail- While Hinduism gives importance to established worship, temples and fasts, Sanatan Dharma gives priority to yagya, sadhna, tapasya and meditation.…

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People say Kalyug has arrived, have you ever wondered in which year did this Kalyug begin?

People say Kalyug has arrived, have you ever wondered in which year did this Kalyug begin?

The era in which we are living today is called Kalyug. According to Hindu scriptures, 3 eras, namely Satyayug, Tretayug and Dwaparyug, have passed so far. The era which is going on now is Kaliyug. According to the Puranas, the world will end with Kaliyug. In Kaliyug, sin and adharma will increase more than in other eras. But do you know when Kaliyug started? Kalyug According to the scriptures, adharma and sin will increase in Kaliyug. The wrong things and adharma that we are experiencing around us right now will…

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who is a Devdasi Which is also mentioned in the Puranas

who is a Devdasi Which is also mentioned in the Puranas

Devadasi, On hearing this word, the thought that comes to mind is that it means the maid of the gods., This practice is thousands of years old and has evolved over time.,changing over time, But no one could guess when this practice turned into evil., In such a situation, the question arises that what was the work of these Devadasis and how did this practice come to be considered evil., Let us know the answers to these questions in detail today., Who are Devadasis?, Devadasi was a practice in which…

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