Pushya Nakshatra 7th July is a special day, auspicious time is being formed for shopping and auspicious work

Pushya Nakshatra July 2024: Among all the 27 nakshatras, Pushya nakshatra is considered to be very auspicious. Whenever this nakshatra falls on a Sunday, it creates a special yoga known as Ravi Pushya nakshatra. There is a tradition of doing charity and shopping along with religious activities on Pushya Nakshatra. The planetary defects in the horoscope can be pacified by the worship and auspicious works done in this Yoga. If you start any field of your health, career or life in Pushya Nakshatra, then the chances of your success in…

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PM Modi Nomination with Ganeshwar Shastri Dravid Varanasi Lok Sabha seat

PM Modi Nomination: in country Lok Sabha Elections (Lok Sabha Elections 2024) are going on and meanwhile, Prime Minister Modi filed his nomination papers for the third time from Varanasi Lok Sabha seat. Today on Tuesday, PM Modi has filed nomination papers on the auspicious day of Ganga Saptami 2024 and Pushya Nakshatra. UP Chief Minister with the Prime Minister during filing of nomination papers Yogi Adityanath (Yogi Adityanath) and astrologer Ganeshwar Shastri Dravid were also seen. Earlier, Ganeshwar Shastri Dravid was in the news at the time of Ayodhya…

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PM Modi Nomination in pushya nakshtra mentioned from Rigveda to Bhrigu Samhita

Special things have been mentioned in religious texts regarding Pushya Nakshatra. What is the specialty of this Nakshatra and why it is best to choose this Nakshatra for doing auspicious works, let us know- According to Bhrigu Samhita, the eighth constellation among the 27 constellations, it is called ‘Pushya’ constellation. Meaning of Pushya in Apte Sanskrit Dictionary is “Pu + Yat Nugagamah, Hrasvah” We can also generally call it auspicious, nutritious, pious and virtuous. According to Valmiki Ramayana Yudh Kand 126.54, Lord Rama returned to Ayodhya without any hindrance in…

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