It is cold and rainy in February, this weather is good for farmers

It is cold and rainy in February, this weather is good for farmers

Weather plays an important role for farmers in terms of crops. Because crops depend a lot on weather and environment. The month of February is going on and it has started raining in this month. The cold level has also not reduced much. In such a situation, there is a possibility of farmers getting benefit from this rain and cold or there is a possibility of loss. Let us know in this news. How is the weather for farmers? Weather is very important for farmers. Because it has a huge…

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Even In Winter Insects Exist In Crops Farmers Need To Be Careful Follow These Tips

Even In Winter Insects Exist In Crops Farmers Need To Be Careful Follow These Tips

Some farmers believe that there are no pests in their crops in winter. But it is not so that even in winter season your crop may get affected by insects. To protect the fruit from insects, you have to take care of some important things, let us know… According to experts, the problem of insect infestation in crops is common during winter. During this period the temperature is low, hence the incidence of insect attacks reduces but they do not disappear completely. Some insects can damage the crop even in…

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Wheat Production Has Increased In 5 States Of India

Wheat Production Has Increased In 5 States Of India

Crop Cultivation In India: Sowing of Rabi crops is going on in the country. Farmers who have not sown rabi crops. Such farmers are buying seeds of rabi crops in the market and government centres. The data on the yield of rabi crops is being collected from the central government level. Where some crops disappointed in Kharif production. In some states of the country, the Kharif season including paddy and other yields decreased. Rabi season yield figures have given relief to the central and state government. Paddy production decreased in…

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