Up: Day After The Death Of Teenager In Amroha, Young Man Died, His Love Affair Took His Life – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

Up: Day After The Death Of Teenager In Amroha, Young Man Died, His Love Affair Took His Life – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

People on the spot after the death of a young man in Rahra – Photo : Samvad Expansion A day after the death of the girl in Rahara, a youth from the same village committed suicide by consuming poisonous substance. The youth took suicidal steps after the girl’s family lodged a complaint with the police. It is said that the girl’s family had held the young man responsible for the girl’s death. Remove this video/ad Police have sent the body for post-mortem. The body of the 17-year-old daughter of a…

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