Going to the station without any purpose to pass time is a crime, you may be fined, don’t make this mistake

Going to the station without any purpose to pass time is a crime, you may be fined, don’t make this mistake

Fine for walking at station. Passengers sit for many hours at railway stations waiting for trains. Many times such situations arise where passengers sleep on a sheet spread on the platform and catch the train the next day. In this way, it is okay to stay in the station, but sitting or roaming in the station without any purpose comes under the category of crime under the railway manual and for this crime, the person concerned can also be fined. Let us know what are the rules of Railways? Deepak…

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What action can be taken by Railways for traveling without ticket

What action can be taken by Railways for traveling without ticket

It is very important to have a ticket while traveling by train. If someone does not do this then Railways can take action against them. Many times there are reports of action by Railways, but do you know what action can be taken by the Railway Police if you travel without a ticket. If not then let us know. What action can Railways take if train ticket is not taken?Let us tell you that if a person is caught traveling by train without a ticket, then according to the railway…

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Can you travel in sleeper coach of any train on general ticket? Know the rules of railways

Can you travel in sleeper coach of any train on general ticket?  Know the rules of railways

Many times when you are traveling in sleeper coach of a train, you see that some people are traveling in sleeper coach with general tickets. But is it legally right to do so? Let us tell you about the railway rules related to this. Apart from this, we will also tell you whether you can do this in any train or whether this facility is available only in some special trains. What do the railway rules say According to railway rules, passengers get such facility in some trains. However, this…

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So that’s why no one wants to take middle berth in the train… The rule is something like this

So that’s why no one wants to take middle berth in the train… The rule is something like this

Train is considered to be the most comfortable means of traveling anywhere in India. This is the reason why every day millions of passengers make their reservation in the train and travel. Whenever you want to travel by train, you have to make a reservation before that. Only through reservation, you reserve a seat in the train, on which you can sleep and enjoy your journey. During reservation, you will get lower berth, middle berth, upper berth, side upper Berth and side lower berth options are available. You will be…

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