Jackky Bhagnani Baraat: Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani have tied the knot. This couple took seven trips to Goa on 21st February. Many big Bollywood stars attended the wedding of Rakul and Jackie. Whose photos and videos are going viral on social media. A video of Jackie’s wedding procession is going viral in which Tiger Shroff and Akshay Kumar are seen dancing. Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff arrived in the wedding procession in all black look. In the video, both are dancing on the drum and hugging and congratulating…
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Rakul Preet Singh And Jackky Bhagnani Got Prasad from Ayodhya After Their Wedding
Rakul Preet Wedding: Bollywood actresses Rakulpreet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani recently got married. The couple’s wedding photos and videos are viral on social media. After marriage, the actress is now sharing glimpses of her every function with her fans. Meanwhile, Rakulpreet has shown a glimpse of a gift she received after her marriage, which is her most special gift till date. Rakulpreet and Jackie got blessings of Shri Ram Rakulpreet Singh has shared a story on her Instagram. In this story, the actress has shared a glimpse of the Prasad…
Read Morerakul preet singh pehli rasoi after wedding with jackky bhagnani halwa
Rakul Preet Singh First Recipe: Actress Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani got married on 21 February in Goa. The wedding photos of both are viral on social media. His royal wedding has become the talk of the town. Newlywed bride Rakul has shared with the fans a glimpse of what she prepared in the first kitchen of her in-laws’ house. Rakul Preet Singh’s first kitchen Rakul Preet Singh made a special sweet for the first Rasoi. She made semolina pudding for her in-laws. In the photo he has shared,…
Read MorePM Narendra Modi Congratulates rakul preet singh and Jackky Bhagnani see his post for them
PM Modi Congratulates Rakul-Jackky: The Prime Minister of India often encourages Indian cinema. He talks on every issue of the country, no matter which sector it is related to. Now he congratulated Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani on their marriage. In this congratulatory letter he also told them some things about the marriage. PM Narendra Modi Has given wishes to Rakul-Jackie. That post is becoming quite viral. It is written in it that what makes the journey of marriage work and survive. Let us tell you what has been…
Read Morerakul preet singh jackky bhagnani wedding inside pics shahid kapoor ananya panday bhumi pednekar in ethnic look
Rakul-Jackky Wedding Inside Pics: Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani had a dreamy beach wedding in Goa on February 21, 2024. The couple got married in Goa in an Anand Karaj ceremony and then according to Sindhi customs in the presence of their family and friends. After tying the knot with each other for seven days, the couple also shared their wedding pictures. Now the inside pictures of Rakul-Jackie’s wedding have also been revealed. Bhumi Pednekar shares inside pictures of Rakul-Jackie’s weddingRakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani hosted a very…
Read MoreRakul Preet Singh Jackky Bhagnani Ananya Paday look stunning in golden work saree see pics
Rakul-Jackky Wedding: Bollywood’s most favorite couple Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani got married yesterday in Goa in the presence of close friends and family. Many Bollywood stars also attended the wedding ceremony of Rakul and Jackie. ‘Dream Girl 2’ actress Ananya Panday also attended the couple’s wedding with her rumored boyfriend Aditya Roy Kapur. Ananya wore a saree in the function and the actress also shared its picture on her social media. Ananya Pandey wreaked havoc in saree at Rakul-Jackie’s wedding.On February 21, Rakul and Jackie tied the knot…
Read MoreHow many destination weddings are happening in Goa? Will Goa become the next hub after Rajasthan?
Rakul Preet-Jackky Wedding:Rakul Preet-Jackky Wedding:Bollywood actress Rakul Preet Singh and actor Jackky Bhagnani have tied the knot in Goa. While Rajasthan was the favorite wedding destination of Bollywood actors and actresses in the past, Rakulpreet and Jackie have chosen Goa as their wedding destination. In such a situation, there is no doubt that Goa can become the next wedding destination hub after Rajasthan in the coming days. So let us know how many marriages took place here in the last few years. Goa a separate wedding destination hub after Rajasthan?Goa…
Read MoreRakul Preet Singh jackky bhagnani opted designer Tarun Tahiliani outfits pastel lehenga chikankari sherwani
Rakul Preet-Jacky Wedding Outfit Designer: Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani had a destination wedding in Goa on 21st February. The couple has married twice. First Rakul and Jackie got married according to Sikh tradition and then the couple tied the knot according to Sindhi customs. The bride and groom wore special designer outfits for their dream day. Rakul Preet Singh wore a pastel lehenga by designer Tarun Tahiliani for her wedding. This lehenga had complete handwork. All the details about the lehenga have been posted by designer Tarun Tahiliani…
Read MoreRakul Preet Singh Jackky Bhagnani Wedding First Pics out couple shared on social media
Rakul-Jackky Wedding First Pics: Bollywood’s most popular love birds Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani have finally tied the knot of seven lives by getting married with two rituals in Goa. The couple took seven rounds at ITC Grand South Goa in the presence of close friends and family. The first pictures of the couple after marriage have also been revealed. The newly married couple is looking amazing. First pictures of Rakul-Jackie’s wedding surfacedNewlywed bride Rakul and groom Raja Jackky Bhagnani are looking very cute in the wedding pictures. Rakul…
Read Morerakul preet singh jackky bhagnani wedding couple tied knot with sindhi sikh tradition know love story
Rakul Preet Singh-Jackky Bhagnani Wedding: Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani have tied the knot. The couple got married with great pomp in Goa. Rakul Preet and Jackie got married as per Sikh customs following the Anand Karaj ceremony. India Today had earlier quoted sources and written that Rakul Preet Singh’s ‘Chura’ ceremony was to be held in the morning itself. After this, the couple had to take seven rounds at ITC Grand South Goa after 3.30 pm. Rakul and Jackie would take two rounds. First they will get married…
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