Ramayana Vatika filled with fragrance of flowers see ram katha in 3d pictures in bareilly – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

Ramayana Vatika filled with fragrance of flowers see ram katha in 3d pictures in bareilly – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

In Bareilly, a new Ramayan site has developed for the people as Ramayana Vatika. There is a fragrance of all-round colorful flowers here, while the description of Ramkatha is also attracting in 3D paintings. During the tour from the entrance to the inside, the accounts of Ramkatha can be seen at various places. Those who reach here will see Lord Shri Ram as well as various forms of Lord Shiva. Apart from this, the scene of the forest will also be seen and the chirping of birds of different species…

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