The baby was growing in the womb, the mother’s body itself became its enemy, this rare case surprised the doctors!

The baby was growing in the womb, the mother’s body itself became its enemy, this rare case surprised the doctors!

A baby is most safe in its mother’s womb. But can it be possible that the baby in the womb starts feeling threatened by its own mother? An American woman’s baby had to face such a strange situation because it was “attacked” by its mother’s body in such a way that its condition reached a battle of life and death. Actually, the blood in the baby’s body was very different from the mother’s blood, due to which the mother’s body started considering the foetus as its own enemy. The whole…

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The girl used to get nervous earlier, then she started having seizures, the doctors told such a reason, the mother was shocked to hear it!

The girl used to get nervous earlier, then she started having seizures, the doctors told such a reason, the mother was shocked to hear it!

Can social media addiction cause a serious health problem? Yes, in a unique case, a woman claims that the doctors have attributed her daughter’s rare medical condition to watching too much TikTok. This is very surprising in itself because the girl’s condition is so bad that it does not seem that it can be related to social media. Helen Hutson’s daughter Jessica Hutson began experiencing ‘strange’ body movements and could not sit ‘still’ a few years ago. Jessica, now 15, was unable to control her body and soon developed verbal…

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The person was fair-skinned by birth, a strange disease turned the color of the skin blue!

The person was fair-skinned by birth, a strange disease turned the color of the skin blue!

Man’s Skin Turned Blue: One of the most difficult things in the world is the entire system of the human body. This is the reason that many times we get some such diseases, about which there is no idea beforehand. The smallest problem can point towards a bigger danger. We are saying this because something similar happened with an American man. He came under the grip of such a strange disease, which turned the color of his skin blue. A man named Paul Karason gained tremendous fame on the Internet…

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