Whether a new note is to be printed or the old one is to be removed or any major decision related to banks is to be taken., All these works are done by Reserve Bank of India. (RBI) consists of the governor of, which can also be called the bank of banks, Every major decision related to the bank is taken by RBI only., Questions arise in the minds of many people regarding their salary and their rights., So today we have brought answers to these questions for you., What…
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How much is the salary of RBI Governor he gets these luxury facilities
If you have a note and you are seeing the signature on it, then it is the signature of the RBI Governor. The note is printed only after his signature. Apart from this, the main job of the RBI Governor is to formulate, implement and monitor the monetary policy, but do you know how much salary is given every month to the person holding this high post in the country. If not then let us know today. What is the salary of RBI Governor?Let us tell you that the Reserve…
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