Does the electricity bill meter run faster in summer? Change these 5 habits today

Does the electricity bill meter run faster in summer? Change these 5 habits today

With the increase in heat, most homes start using AC, coolers and fans more. In such a situation, people are troubled by the meter running fast and getting bills for more units. The question is how can you reduce the consumption of electricity bill in your homes in such a situation. Know which are those methods through which less electricity units will come at the time of reading in your homes.     Why is the electricity bill high? Most people ask why the electricity bill is high? Let us…

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Now there will be no problem if the phone hangs… Same old system is going to come in the smartphone, read the update immediately

Now there will be no problem if the phone hangs… Same old system is going to come in the smartphone, read the update immediately

There was a time when people used keypad phones. As the technology changed, new touchscreen phones came in the market. At that time removable batteries were seen with touchscreen phones. Means  people could remove the battery from the phone. Many times when people’s phone used to hang, they used to fix it by removing the battery, but then smartphone companies fixed it instead of removable battery in the mobile phone and made the battery according to the design. In this, people suffered the loss that when they have to change…

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