How a Kiwi Fruit a Day Can Keep Heart Diseases at Bay Read Full Article in Hindi

How a Kiwi Fruit a Day Can Keep Heart Diseases at Bay Read Full Article in Hindi

When it comes to heart health, many of us focus on reducing cholesterol, controlling blood pressure and exercising adequately. But do you know the food you eat. Does he play an important role in heart health? Kiwi is a fruit promoting heart health. Kiwi rich in essential nutrients, antioxidants and fiber can be a powerful addition to your diet to keep your heart healthy. Healthy nutrients for heart in kiwiKiwi is a nutritional powerhouse, which contains an impressive range of vitamins, minerals and bioactive compounds that contribute to the health…

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Benefit Of Eating Roasted Sesame Seed On Empty Stomach

Benefit Of Eating Roasted Sesame Seed On Empty Stomach

Roasted Sesame Benefits: To live a healthy life, it is necessary to have the right lifestyle and nutritious diet, only then you get protection from all kinds of diseases. Sesame is also included in these nutrient-rich foods, which can give you not one but many benefits. If you consume roasted sesame on an empty stomach in the morning, you can avoid many diseases. Especially it proves to be very helpful in controlling the problem of BP. Talking about its nutrients, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper fatty acids, manganese, anti-oxidants are found…

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