Report Filed Against BSA In Case Of Clerk Caught Taking Bribe – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

District Basic Education Officer Office Hathras – Photo : Dialogue Expansion In Hathras, the Basic Education Officer has also been caught red-handed taking bribe while the senior assistant of the Basic Education Department was caught red-handed. The team of the Vigilance Establishment Agra has also made him an accused in the case registered under the Anti-Corruption Act and has started the investigation. Remove this video/ad The arrested senior assistant Devendra Singh was presented in the Anti-Corruption Court in Meerut on June 28, from where he was sent to jail. In…

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‘Judge sir, the lover made a promise and broke it’… the girl reached the court, filed such a case that people were stunned!

Any relationship in the world has certain expectations attached to it. Sometimes these expectations are fulfilled and sometimes it also happens that people are unable to understand them. In such a situation, mutual relations can get spoiled but no one goes to court just because of that. Today we will tell you about a girl who went to the judge with a complaint that her boyfriend did not keep the promise made to her. The relationship between a boyfriend and girlfriend is full of arguments. Sometimes love and sometimes arguments…

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Dogs and cats are also looking for ‘love’, there are more than 30 lakh users, owners are doing matchmaking!

Till now you have seen that boys and girls sometimes have to take the help of dating apps to find their partner and sometimes they also go to matchmaking events. Sometimes they are successful in this and sometimes not. However, today we will talk about the matchmaking event of animals, not humans, which is organized in the neighboring country China. A special kind of event is organized every year, in which pets are brought for matchmaking. Lakhs of people bring their dogs and cats with the hope that they will…

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The girl released a form to become a ‘boyfriend’, 5000 applications came, but still nothing happened, she remained alone!

You must be well aware of applying and asking for jobs. You must have often heard the news that how thousands of applications come in within minutes for a single post. Now here you get an opportunity to earn money. However, today we will tell you about a girl who asked for applications from boys not for a job but to become her boyfriend. You must have seen people adopting various methods to find a partner for themselves. Some take the help of dating apps, while some people search for…

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Aligarh SSP Suspended Inspector – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

Inspector in CCTV camera – Photo : Video Grab Expansion Aligarh SSP has suspended the Sadhu Ashram area incharge sub-inspector. The sub-inspector is accused of demanding a bribe of 17 thousand more after taking three thousand rupees in a complaint of a quarrel. A video of the sub-inspector had surfaced, after which the CO investigated the matter and submitted the report to the SSP. Remove this video/ad According to Sanjay Chauhan, a resident of village Chauganpur, about 15 days ago, there was a fight between two parties in the village.…

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In this country, children below 16 years of age cannot be slapped, if they do so, they are punished

In our country, many parents beat their children for their mistakes to guide them on the right path, although many people vent their anger of some other place on the children. At the same time, many times it also happens that when the child is not sleeping, he is made to sleep by slapping him a few times. This is a common thing in India, but it is not commonly done in every country. Actually, in some countries, beating children like this proves very costly for the parents, while there…

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The husband is of the same age as the father, both have the same name, people taunt her, yet the 12 year old marriage is happy!

Many girls see the image of their father in their ideal husband. The same thing happened with a woman when she was looking for her father’s image while searching for her future husband. But she had not even imagined that the difference between the two would be so less. 12 years ago, the man whom Jessica Zirkelbach liked had the same age and name as her father. Both are living a happy married life today. Boutique owner Jessica Zirkelbach married Allen 12 years ago when she was 22 and Allen…

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The man started liking another woman, but the wife supported her husband and together improved their lives.

A couple has set an example of how candor in a husband-wife relationship strengthens the relationship. A man revealed how he became “obsessed” with another woman. But he accepted the situation and took his wife into confidence and informed her about his condition. After this, both of them decided to deal with the situation together and now their marriage is stronger than ever. Ruth Pearl, 58, and her partner David, 64, have dedicated 13 years to overcoming this difficult situation. Despite his passion, he never even made any advances towards…

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It is important to tell lies in a relationship it makes the relationship stronger

Our elders teach us that we should not lie to anyone. Especially when it comes to your partner, you should be most honest with them because you have to spend your entire life with your partner. In such a situation, you can live with lies for a few years, but not your entire life, but it has been seen many times that telling too much truth spoils people’s relationships. So if you sometimes resort to lies, there is no harm in it. Note that these lies should not be told…

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These things can end a good romantic relationship know today otherwise you will be regrets

Relationships are not easy all the time. The partner has to see sadness as well as happiness in the relationship. Maintaining relationships requires a lot of care, caution and understanding and all these things make a relationship healthy and strong, however sometimes people unknowingly start spoiling their relationships. People’s behavior plays an important role in spoiling relationships, due to which the relationship between two people starts ending. Today we will tell you some things which you should avoid doing. unspoken expectations Many times people start moving away from each other…

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