Astrology Planets Transit Motion Can Be Change By Food Know Remedies Upay For Increased Auspicious Of Graha Gochar In Kundali

Astrology Planets Transit Motion Can Be Change By Food Know Remedies Upay For Increased Auspicious Of Graha Gochar In Kundali

Astrology, Planets Transit, Eating Habit: Many such measures have been mentioned in astrology, through which it is done to strengthen the planets of the horoscope, that is, to increase their auspiciousness. Apart from this, the planets of the horoscope give auspicious effect by wearing and worshiping gems. According to astrology, planets have a special relation with our food too. Our food also helps in increasing the auspiciousness of the planets of the horoscope. Let us know which planet is related to which food? Sun The planet , According to…

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