30 snakes came out of this house in three days, they were Indian cobra, common cobra and baby wheat snake

30 snakes came out of this house in three days, they were Indian cobra, common cobra and baby wheat snake

Ritu Raj/ Muzaffarpur:- A snake that scares even the bravest of people. One snake is enough to scare people. But just imagine, if 30 snakes appear in a house at the same time, what will be the condition of the people living in that house and that too if they are not ordinary snakes but extremely poisonous snakes of the Indian Cobra species, then people will get goosebumps. Such a scene has come to light from Khaira village of Saraiya block of Muzaffarpur district of Bihar, where 16 baby Indian…

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Oh my god! The head constable was going to the bathroom, a 5 feet long cobra was sitting at the door, then this happened…

Oh my god! The head constable was going to the bathroom, a 5 feet long cobra was sitting at the door, then this happened…

Jabalpur: The rainy season has started with the monsoon. In such a situation, snakes will definitely be seen in or around the houses. Caution is necessary to avoid them. Actually, last night a 5 feet long cobra snake entered the house of a uniformed policeman. The snake reached the washroom directly through the house. When the head constable reached the washroom, he saw that a 5 feet long cobra snake was sitting at the door of the washroom. He got scared seeing this. There was an atmosphere of chaos in…

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