Have you ever wondered how it rains?

The rainy season has arrived, It is raining everywhere due to monsoon, In such a situation, if someone asks you how rain occurs, you will give some normal answer , But when someone asks you to explain the whole process, you may not be able to answer it. When a child asks such questions, many more questions come to his mind. . So let us understand the process of how rain occurs today. How does water reach the clouds? First of all, let us know how water reaches the clouds.…

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Lions, tigers and leopards can recognize human voices, research reveals

The lion is called the king of the jungle. Whenever the most dangerous animals are talked about, people often first name animals like lion, cheetah. But do you know that these lions, tigers, leopards belonging to the cat species can recognize human voices. You must be wondering how such dangerous animals can recognize human voices? But research has revealed that animals belonging to the cat species can recognize the voices of different humans. Animals belonging to the cat species Among animals, it is said that pets understand the difference between…

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New problem arises? Something like this is happening in the core of the earth, the length of days will change! – Research

The speed of rotation of the last and most important layer of the three layers that make up the Earth is decreasing rapidly. Scientists have recently sensed this movement in the inner core of the Earth and presented a detailed report whose results are very surprising. This movement was happening inside the Earth for about 14 years which has been detected now. This is the first time in 40 years that it is moving at a slower speed than the Earth’s surface. Do you know what will happen in the…

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These evils make players better, shocking research revealed

Often when we watch a game, we judge the player playing that game based on his abilities , But you will be surprised to know that a recent research has revealed something shocking . In fact, this research has shown that players become better by some tricks and bad qualities . Research has found that players who have these qualities are better at the game. Qualities considered bad in society are good in sports Researchers from Nottingham Trent University in Britain Research has been done on players. In which it has…

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Why are blue eyed people different from other people know what came out in the research

You must have seen that many people in the world have black, brown, green and blue eyes. But do you know how different people with blue eyes are from others? Today we will tell you what research scientists have done on people with blue eyes and how different they are from others. Blue Eye You must have noticed that apart from being black and brown, many people also have blue eyes. But do you know how different people with blue eyes are from the rest of the world? In a…

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If you are extremely creative then you must read this news, Internet is destroying this part of your brain

Researchers from the University College of London have been doing research on brain imaging for the past several years. In this study, they found that due to internet addiction, many such chemical reactions take place in the brain of today’s youth. Which give rise to addiction, bad behavior as well as negative behavior. However, this entire research is based on brain imaging studies on only 237 people from East Asian countries. Internet addiction affects multiple neural networks in the brains of young people, increasing activity in some networks and decreasing…

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Chewing gum while studying helps in studying better… It is not us who say this, but a study says this, read it here

Eating gum is a trend among most of the youth around the world. In school bus, college, metro, in most of the places while travelling, especially the youth like to eat gum. But do you know that studying after chewing gum helps in better studies. Yes, studying after chewing gum helps in better studies. This is not us saying this, but a research is saying this. Know what the research has revealed about chewing gum.  Eating chewing gum  Youth around the world including India like to eat chewing gum. Not…

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Writing Your thoughts on Paper: Writing your thoughts on paper and tearing it will reduce anger, scientists claimed

It is natural for a human being to feel angry and fall in love. But there are many people who are unable to express when they are angry. Scientists have now claimed in their research that writing your thoughts on paper and tearing it reduces anger. Know what research scientists have done regarding anger.  How to reduce anger Let us tell you that scientists have coined the term anger management regarding anger. have used. In this, experts tell people different ways to control their anger. The Cognitive Science Department at…

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Science also accepted that the snake which churned the ocean, Vasuki, lived in India only.

You must have seen the churning of the ocean in serials. In which gods and demons are seen churning the ocean with a huge snake, so that nectar can be obtained. In the religious scriptures, that snake has been called Nag Vasuki snake. Till now science has considered these things only imaginary. But for the first time, scientists have found evidence that the snake Vasuki was present on Earth. Not only this, it was found in India. It was so huge that its length was equal to a big bus.…

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Oxygen leaking from Venus, is it a threat to Earth? Scientists are not able to understand the reason

Venus is called the planet of hell, because if any human goes here, he will be destroyed in a moment. The conditions here are such that no living creature can survive here. Not only animals, but also no equipment will be able to work here, because such dangerous things keep coming out from its surface, which are going to destroy everything. A few years ago, scientists had confirmed the presence of oxygen on Venus. But now it is being said that oxygen and carbon are slowly leaking from the planet…

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