Anand chowmein center in rishikesh is a 32 year restaurant serving delicious chowmein – News18 Hindi

Anand chowmein center in rishikesh is a 32 year restaurant serving delicious chowmein – News18 Hindi

Report-Isha BiroriyaRishikesh. Like other places, Devbhoomi Rishikesh is also strongly influenced by Chowmin. The first Chowmin shop in this city was opened in 1992. Even today there is a long queue of customers at this shop. The only difference is that along with Chowmin, other fast foods are also available here. Call it Yoganagari or Devbhoomi. Rishikesh has also adapted to the modern mold of food and drink. Tourists like the food of Rishikesh a lot. Earlier this was traditional. But now fast food has also become popular among people.…

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