Tobacco is not necessary, sitting for a long time can also cause cancer

We often hear that tobacco consumption increases the risk of cancer, but in the modern lifestyle, there is another habit which we are ignoring, that is sitting for a long time. In today’s digital age, where most of the work is done sitting at computers and desktops, sitting for hours has become common. Be it working in office, watching TV or spending time on social media, sitting for long periods has become a special part of our lifestyle.  Experts say that sitting for a long time can increase the risk…

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Do you also take roti wrapped in newspaper or silver foil to office… this habit of yours can give feast to these diseases

Health Tips: In Indian homes, there is less work in reading newspapers and more in packing food. Generally, all of us must have eaten food wrapped in newspaper at one time or the other. Often shopkeepers at street food shops also use newspaper for packing. Even in lunch, many people take roti wrapped in newspaper. But do you know that this small habit of yours can give you a feast of dangerous diseases. Not only this, it is not right to pack food in silver foil as well. According to…

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If you eat food like this, then the food becomes slow poison… Be careful!

Health Tips:Many times we keep on making some such mistakes related to eating and drinking which we are not aware of and these mistakes overshadow our health, as a result we get high cholesterol. The risk of diseases like diabetes, thyroid and obesity increases. Not only this, the risk of fatal diseases like cancer can also increase. Know what are the mistakes due to which there is a risk of all these diseases. Disadvantages of heating food in the oven If you also keep food in a plastic box and…

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