Culture: Respect for parents is a sign of good values. It is believed that those who take the blessings of their parents or elders first thing in the morning, troubles do not touch them. Such people always have the blessings of their parents or ancestors. The benefits of touching feet have been mentioned in many texts of Hindu religion. Children, especially parents, are asked to touch their feet after waking up in the morning. What are the benefits of touching feet, let us know- What are the benefits of touching…
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Which dead body’s ashes are heavier, the one burnt in a wooden pyre or the one burnt in an electric crematorium?
The biggest sorrow is the departure of a loved one from this world. But death is a truth that no one can deny. Because whether a person is rich or poor, everyone has to die. Some people die at a young age, while some people live till the age of 100. But do you know how much a dead body weighs after being cremated in Hinduism? Ashes of the body Let us tell you that in Hinduism, when someone dies, his body is cremated by burning the dead body. In…
Read MoreRITES Recruitment 2023 Apply For 53 Posts At
RITES Jobs 2023: Rail India Technical and Economic Service Limited has released a recruitment notification. According to which many posts will be recruited in RITES. For which the application process has started. To apply for this recruitment, candidates have to apply online by visiting the official site The last date to apply for the recruitment has been fixed as April 18. Through this drive, 53 posts of Electrical and Mechanical Engineer will be recruited. Out of the total vacancies, 23 are for Electrical Engineer (ES&T) and another 31 are…
Read MoreFuneral Rites Customs The Family Members Make Soup Of The Ashes Of Dead Body And Drink It
Funeral Rites: People of every religion and society in the world have some customs. Generally, in most of the funeral rituals, there is a custom of burning the dead body, burying it or leaving it for the food of animals. But, today we will tell you about some such strange and poor customs of the funeral, knowing which you will be surprised. corpses are cut into pieces According to media reports, people of Buddhism in Tibet take the dead body to the crematorium built on the top of a mountain…
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