Oppenheimer Robert Downey Junior shared happy photo with oscar trophy Johnny Depp and Russo brothers send love

Robert Downey Jr Post: Hollywood star Robert Downey Jr. was recently honored at the 96th Oscar Awards. The actor has received this year’s Oscar Award for Best Supporting Actor. Robert received this Oscar for his role as Levi Strauss in the film Oppenheimer. Robert is very happy to receive an Oscar for the first time in his career. The actor has shared a picture of himself with Oscar on social media. Robert shared his first picture with OscarRobert Downey Jr. has shared his picture on his Instagram story. In this…

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SAG Awards 2024 Winners Complete List Oppenheimer Cillian Murphy 30th Screen Actors Guild Awards Winners List

SAG Awards 2024: The 30th Screen Guild Awards have been announced. Oppenheimer has won this time too. The actors of the film have received awards in many categories. Killian Murphy has received the Best Actor Award. Let us know which actor has received the award in which category. SAG Life Achievement Award– Barbra Streisand. motion picture category Killian Murphy has received the Best Actor award. He has received this award for the film Oppenheimer. Lily Gladstone has received the Female Lead Actress award for Killers of the Flower Moon. Robert…

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