what is thermobaric rocket that absorb oxygen from atmosphere know the details

Thermobaric Rocket: Science has progressed a lot. In the last few decades, the world has accomplished many seemingly unsuccessful tasks with the help of science. Now the old styles of almost all the works are changing. And these changes are also being seen in the style of war. There has been a war going on between Russia and Ukraine for the last few years. The armies of both the countries are fighting among themselves. Russia is much more powerful than Ukraine and also has modern weapons. These days Russia is…

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Is the speed of missile or space rocket higher?

Rockets or missiles are used to accomplish many of their discoveries and objectives in space or during a war. Who accomplish their goals very quickly. Recently, missiles and rockets have also been used in space or in the Russia-Ukraine war, but have you ever wondered which of the rockets and missiles is the fastest and how does it move? If you are going to say no then let’s find out today. What is faster between a missile and a rocket?First of all, let us know what is the difference between…

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Russia Ukraine War America Announced 2.5 Billion Dollar Military Aid Ukraine America State Secretary

US Aid to Ukraine: The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine is about to complete for almost a year. On one side there is powerful Russia and on the other hand America is helping weak Ukraine by supplying heavy weapons along with European countries. Meanwhile, the Joe Biden administration of America has announced military assistance of US $ 2.5 billion for Ukraine on Thursday. This includes modern arms and ammunition. The US said that the military aid given to Ukraine includes armored personnel carriers, air defense systems and more than…

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