What did Nokia company make before making mobiles history

What did Nokia company make before making mobiles history

In today’s time, whenever a person takes the name of Nokia, the sound or picture of a mobile phone starts being heard or seen in the person’s mind., In today’s time, Nokia is completely connected with mobile phones., However, very few people know that Nokia company was started long before the advent of mobile phones., The story of Nokia is quite interesting, Let us know how a small company became one of the largest mobile companies in the world and what this company used to make before that., Also read:…

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kerala government increased msp on rubber farming by 10 rupees thousand of farmers will be benefited

kerala government increased msp on rubber farming by 10 rupees thousand of farmers will be benefited

Rubber Farming: Recently, farmers cultivating rubber have received a big good news. Rubber Board has increased the price by β‚Ή 5 to encourage manufacturers to increase rubber exports. After this decision of the Rubber Board, the Kerala Government has also increased the support price of rubber by β‚Ή 10. Due to which about one lakh farmers of the state will directly benefit. Let us know the complete news. Increase in MSP of rubber Under the Rubber Production Incentive Scheme (RPIIS), it has been announced to increase the base price of…

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