Health heart tips heart beat increases while walking running know reason

Heart Health: Health experts have been recommending exercises like walking and running to stay healthy. You too must be walking or running for some time every day. You must have noticed that your heart rate increases suddenly while walking or running. Some people get nervous about this. If seen, this is a normal process. Let us know why the heart rate increases while walking or running and what should be the heart rate in such a situation. Why does the heartbeat get faster? Health experts say that more energy is…

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Running For Health: You do not even do these mistakes after workout, know before it harms the body

Running For Good Health: There is nothing better than a good long run. The adrenaline rush and energy we feel after completing our daily routine is incomparable and makes us feel that we have utilized our day to the fullest. But what do you do after you run? Go home, take a shower and start your busy day, right? Though we all are busy with our lives and plan our days accordingly, doing certain activities after an intense running session can hinder your workout efforts. There are general post-run routines…

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