6 liters of Vaseline was injected into the arm with a needle, the arm swelled up like a balloon, the onlookers were stunned!

Nowadays, youngsters go to gyms to build their bodies. They consume protein. They work hard day and night so that their muscles, chest, thighs etc. can come in better shape. But some people want to fulfill their passion by adopting shortcuts. One such person is Kirill Tereshin from Russia, who is also known as Bazooka Hands and Russian Popeye. This person was so obsessed with building muscles that he injected 3 liters of Vaseline in both his hands. This person injected 6 liters of Vaseline in both his hands through…

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Four Indian students drowned in river in Russia, one rescued and two students died

Indian students drowned: Students from India who had gone to Russia for studies have died. According to the Ministry of External Affairs of the Government of India, all the students were studying at Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University in Veliky Novgorod, Russia. In an unfortunate incident, four Indian students drowned in the Volkhov River. The fifth Indian student was saved from drowning in the incident and is undergoing treatment in the hospital. The report issued by the Ministry of External Affairs said that our Consulate in St. Petersburg is in touch…

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Russia Ukraine War Russian army is entering Ukraine fierce war going on in Kharkiv city

Russia Ukraine War: The Russia-Ukraine war seems to be intensifying once again. Dangerous fighting is going on in Kharkiv city of Ukraine. Last Friday, the Russian army had launched an attack in this area. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that his army has tried to stop the Russian army from advancing in the border areas, meanwhile a fierce war is going on between the two countries. Ukraine has replaced the Kharkiv front line commander amid the war. Commander in Chief of the Ukrainian Army, Alexander Sirsky, has described the situation…

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Russian Journalist Arrested Over Making Videos For Alexei Navalny Putin Vladimir Opposition

Alexey Navalny: After the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, action is now being taken against the journalists working for him. According to news agency AP, another Russian journalist has been arrested on charges of terrorism. The journalist is accused of making a video for the team of late Alexei Navalny. Sergei Karlin has worked for the news agency AP. He is the second journalist arrested on such charges after Konstantin Gabov. Sergei Karlin has also worked for Reuters. He was taken into custody on Saturday. Associated Press expressed…

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Russia Terrorist Attack Death Toll Rises To 115 More than 140 injured In Moscow Concert Hall Attack Vladimir Putin Remarks 10 Big Things | Russia Terrorist Attack: 133 people lost their lives, more than 140 injured in Moscow concert hall attack, President Vladimir Putin said – will not spare

Russia Shooting: So far 133 people have died and more than 140 have been injured due to the attack on the Crocus City Hall and Concert Complex in the north-west of the Russian capital Moscow on Friday (22 March) evening. Children are also included among those who lost their lives. The death toll is likely to increase as many people have been seriously injured. Russia has called it a terrorist attack. Terrorist organization Islamic State has taken responsibility for this attack. The Kremlin said on Saturday (23 March) that 11…

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Vladimir Putin Took A Dip In Icy Water Epiphany Festival Being Celebrated In Russia

Vladimir Putin: Media reports quoting Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said that Russian President Vladimir Putin celebrated the festival of Epiphany by taking a dip in cold water. This festival was celebrated on 19 January. Authorities across Russia had set up bathing facilities for people following Orthodox ideologies. Even in Siberian areas where temperatures have fallen below -22°F, bathing spots have been created. However, it is not clear where Putin took the plunge on Friday (January 19). The reason behind this is related to security. However, at present it is bitterly…

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Russia Controversy Over Naked Party Russian Influencer Anastasia Ivleeva Fined For Hosting This Party

Naked Party In Russia: The controversy that started after a party organized in Moscow, the capital of Russia, is not stopping. People have become angry after seeing the pictures of this party, in which the celebrities involved were wearing very little clothes or some people were seen naked. Now the news is that the organizer of this party and Russian TV presenter Anastasia Ivleeva has been fined. According to the BBC report, Anastasia Ivleeva organized the party at Mutabor, a popular nightclub in the Russian capital. Many celebrities attended the…

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Experts Says Can Not Rule Out Second Wave Of Flu Covid Viruses In February In Russia | Russia: Flu or Covid! Second wave of virus cannot be ruled out in Russia in February

Russia Respiratory Infections: An increase in the cases of Respiratory Infections has been observed in Russia. This current surge has come not only because of the coronavirus but also because of the swine flu. Experts in the poll conducted by TASS believe that the situation should improve after the New Year celebrations, but a second wave may begin in February. Anatoly Altshtein, senior researcher at the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, told TASS that I think January and February will be the months where we can see…

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