Ukraine Russia War Ukraine Says Global Indecision Killing More Of Our People On The Battle Field

Ukraine Russia War: The war between Ukraine and Russia continues on the 331st day, and Russia is continuously moving forward in the border of Ukraine. So on the other hand, the anger of Ukraine, frustrated by this matter, is now descending on the western countries. Mykhailo Podolić, Political Advisor to the President of Ukraine told European countries and America that your inaction is killing our people. Mykhailo Podolić said in one tweet after another that your inaction is killing our people. Your daily delay is causing the death of Ukrainian…

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Russia-Ukraine War Russian Kamikaze Drone Attacks Russian President Vladimir Putin

Russia-Ukraine War: Russia has attacked Ukraine with a kamikaze drone on Monday morning. Russia had launched the biggest missile attack on Kyiv on Saturday itself. Ukraine is shaken by Russian drone and missile attacks. Regarding the attacks, Ukraine has advised its citizens to stay in their homes, due to which there is an atmosphere of panic among the people. Will Ukraine kneel down? According to reports, Russian President Vladimir Putin wants to force Ukraine to kneel down as soon as possible. In this connection, Putin has reached Belarus, a few…

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