Russian news

Russian Journalist Arrested Over Making Videos For Alexei Navalny Putin Vladimir Opposition

Alexey Navalny: After the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, action is now being…

Russia Controversy Over Naked Party Russian Influencer Anastasia Ivleeva Fined For Hosting This Party

Naked Party In Russia: The controversy that started after a party organized in Moscow, the…

Scammers Convince Man To Handover Their Lifetime Savings And Set Fire To Bank

Scammers Took Lifetime Savings of Man: You must have seen many people that they earn…

How Russian MP Pavel Antov Died In The Hotel Of Odisha Revealed In Postmortem Report

Russian MP Death Case: The post-mortem report of Russian lawmaker and businessman Pavel Antonov indicated…

Ukraine VS Russia Russian Soldier Brutally Thrashed For Refusing To Fight In War

Russian Soldier Brutally Threshed: A Russian soldier who refused to continue fighting in Ukraine has…