Mahant Ravindra Puri controversial statement on Muslim shops in Mahakumbh 2025 says they will spit urinate

Mahant Ravindra Puri controversial statement on Muslim shops in Mahakumbh 2025 says they will spit urinate

Regarding the Mahakumbh-2025 to be organized in Prayagraj, the statement of Akhil Bharatiya Akhara Parishad President Mahant Ravindra Puri has come out, in which he said that non-Hindus should not be allowed to set up shops in the Mahakumbh. According to him, handing over tea shops, juice stalls and flower shops to non-Hindus may put the sanctity and security of the religious place at risk. Mahant Puri told news agency IANS, β€œWe have said that these shops should not be given to them. If they are given shops they will…

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how much is the speed of a bullet train less than the speed of a bullet know why it got this name

how much is the speed of a bullet train less than the speed of a bullet know why it got this name

Bullet train is known all over the world for its high speed., When you want to reach anywhere quickly, nothing can be better than a bullet train., But has this question ever come to your mind that why was it named Bullet Train?, Does it have any connection with bullet speed?, If yes then how much faster than the speed of a bullet, Let us know the answers to all these questions, Also read: How does alcohol become poisonous? Know what is causing people’s death in Bihar Why was Bullet…

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Copenhagen most trusted city in the world you can enjoy many things for free

Copenhagen most trusted city in the world you can enjoy many things for free

Have you ever heard of a city where you can leave your bike in the middle of the road without any fear?, or where children travel alone on buses, or where the doors of houses are often open, Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, is such a city., It is considered the most trusted city in the world, Let us know what is it like in this city, Also read: How the government works under the code of conduct, know what things are banned and on whose instructions the police works.…

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pilots banned perfume flying flights know why was such a rule made facts

pilots banned perfume flying flights know why was such a rule made facts

You must have often noticed that while traveling in an aeroplane, there is a special fragrance in the air., But have you ever wondered why pilots or flight attendants don’t wear perfume?, Actually, there is a big reason behind this. Let us know why pilots are stopped from wearing perfume. Also read: How many ships has the Bermuda Triangle swallowed so far, has any wreckage been found? Why Is it Rule, Pilots or air hostesses cannot wear perfume during air travel., Actually air travel is very important from security point…

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World White Cane Day why is the walking stick of blind people only white know what is the reason behind this

World White Cane Day why is the walking stick of blind people only white know what is the reason behind this

World White Cane Day: every year 15 World White Stick Day is celebrated across the world on October, This day is a day to spread awareness towards blind and low vision people and fight for their rights., The most important symbol of this day is white stick, But have you ever wondered why the walking sticks of blind people are only white?, Let us know the answer to this question, Also read: What happens if the parachute does not open during sky diving, how is the diver’s life saved? Why…

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in which country was the number plate installed on vehicles for the first time and know why was it started facts

in which country was the number plate installed on vehicles for the first time and know why was it started facts

Nowadays it is common to have number plates on vehicles., The number plate of a vehicle identifies who owns it., Many things like which state one belongs to can be known from the number plate., But do you know in which country number plates were first installed on vehicles and why?, Let us know the answer to this interesting question today, What is the history of number plates on vehicles?, Start of installing number plates on vehicles 19took place at the end of the 19th century, With the increasing number…

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what will happen if the flight engine stops in mid air know how far will the plane go

what will happen if the flight engine stops in mid air know how far will the plane go

If the engine of a plane suddenly stops while flying in the sky, it can be a very scary scene., Many people are worried about how far the plane will be able to go in such a situation., And is there a possibility of a plane crash in such a situation?, Let us know the answers to all these questions., Also read: What happens if the parachute does not open during sky diving, how is the diver’s life saved? When engine Close yes go Is Then What Would Is, When…

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In how big a building i.e. in the workplace of how many people are tactile pavers necessary?

In how big a building i.e. in the workplace of how many people are tactile pavers necessary?

Tactile pavers are a special safety feature for visually impaired and low vision individuals. These are special types of floor or sidewalk tiles made with raised dots or lines. These dots and lines give visually impaired people information about their surrounding environment

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this is why accidents do not happen in metro like in train know the technology to avoid derailment

this is why accidents do not happen in metro like in train know the technology to avoid derailment

You must have often seen that news of train accidents often remains in the headlines., different of the country,Recently many train accidents have been witnessed at different places, different from the country,Trains running in different directions often become victims of accidents, But accidents are less in metro, Why so, Let us know about the technical reasons that make the metro safe from accidents, Metro And Train In What Is Difference, First of all, let us know what is the difference between metro and train, So let us tell you that…

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