Soundarya Sharma and Sajid Khan Relationship: Shekhar Suman recently organized a success party for ‘Bigg Boss 16’ and invited all the contestants of the reality show, including some of his celebrity friends from the industry. Soundarya Sharma was seen sharing videos from the party and in one of them, Shaleen Bhanot asked a controversial question to both Sajid Khan and Soundarya, after which Soundarya also gave her reaction. Shaleen asked a questionSoundarya Sharma is in a lot of headlines these days. These days her name is being associated with famous…
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Bigg Boss 16 Archana Gautam Commented On Sajid Khan Father They Got Argument
Bigg Boss 16 Promo: Uproar is being seen in the reality show ‘Bigg Boss 16’ hosted by Bollywood actor Salman Khan. Archana Gautam keeps fighting with someone or the other in the Bigg Boss house. Although the family members try their best to ignore her, but sometimes she says something that increases the anger of the people. He will also be seen having a ruckus with Sajid Khan. In fact, in the latest promo of ‘Bigg Boss 16’, Archana Gautam and Sajid Khan will be seen having a heated argument…
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