Salman Khan Dance Video: Bollywood’s Bhaijaan Salman Khan recently celebrated his 59th birthday. Salman Khan’s fans celebrate his birthday like a festival every year. First, Salman celebrated his birthday in Mumbai and then went to Jamnagar. Salman also celebrated his birthday in Jamnagar in which family members and some special friends attended. A video of this celebration is going viral in which Salman is seen dancing. The video of Salman Khan’s dance has been shared by one of his fan pages. In which he is seen dancing on his own…
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Salman Khan gets up to meet sonali bendre fans notice difficulties in Latest Video viral from Bache bole Moriya Event | Salman Khan had trouble getting up from the sofa? Fans got upset after watching the video, said
Salman Khan Viral Video: ‘Bacche Bole Moriya Event’ was organized in Mumbai in which Salman Khan arrived with his sister Alvira Khan Malhotra. Here he rocked the stage, danced on stage, sang songs and Mumbai Police also welcomed him. This was a special day but on the same day a video of Salman Khan came out which upset his fans. On August 28, a video of Salman Khan went viral on social media. When fans saw this video, they were shocked and upset. In this video, it is seen that…
Read Morebaache bole morya 2024 salman khan dance and singing in front off mumbai police watch video
Salman Khan Dance And Singing Video: Wherever Bollywood’s popular actor Salman Khan goes, he sets the stage on fire with his presence. And if Salman starts dancing and singing, then this moment will be like icing on the cake for his fans. Recently, during an event, Salman danced and sang in front of Mumbai Police. Salman Khan recently participated in an event called ‘Bachche Bole Morya’ supporting eco-friendly Ganeshotsav. Former Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis’ wife Amrita Fadnavis also participated in this event. BMC Commissioner and Mumbai Police Commissioner also participated…
Read MoreSalman Khan Akshay Kumar Dance At Delhi Wedding Video Goes Viral Watch Here
Salman Khan-Akshay Kumar Dance Video: Talking about the two mega-superstars of Hindi cinema, the names of Salman Khan and Akshay Kumar will definitely be included in it. Recently these two superstars of the industry appeared on the same stage at a wedding ceremony in Delhi. During this, Salman and Akshay have tied the knot with their dance. Dance videos of Salman Khan and Akshay Kumar on this occasion are becoming increasingly viral on social media. Salman and Akshay’s dance videos went viral Recently, during the weekend, Salman Khan and Akshay…
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