Helios Capital Founder said Google CEO Sundar Pichai will be fired or he will resign because of Gemini

Helios Capital Founder said Google CEO Sundar Pichai will be fired or he will resign because of Gemini

Sundar Pichai: Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google’s parent company Alphabet, is in danger. Sundar Pichai will be fired from the job or he will resign from his post and leave the job. We are not saying this, but Helios Capital founder Sameer Arora has made such a claim. Sundar Pichai’s job under fire? Actually, a user on Twitter asked the question to Sameer Arora, β€œSir, have you seen Google Gemini? It is refusing to accept the existence of white people. Sundar Pichai is lucky that his complexion is not fair.”…

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