flavor bar; Here two potato pancakes for 20 rupees … then double samosa chaat for 15 rupees

flavor bar;  Here two potato pancakes for 20 rupees … then double samosa chaat for 15 rupees

Anant Kumar / Gumla. Nitish’s handcart near Billing Bira Road is famous in Palkot block. The chaat found here is famous all over Gumla including Palkot. Gumla’s Palkot is known as a tourist destination. People coming here to visit Pampapur and Gobarsilli and people going to other places from Palkot stop at the Baba Chaat Bhandar cart and go ahead only after eating the chaat available here. Director Nitesh told that for almost 15 years there is a handcart here. It was started by my father. Now my younger brother…

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