Qualcomm has finally launched its latest flagship chipset, Snapdragon 8 Elite. This chipset is ready to power the next generation Android flagship smartphones. The company has also introduced a new naming scheme with this chipset, which is similar to its ARM-based X Elite laptop chips. Qualcomm’s new processor launched Like Snapdragon laptop chips, the 8 Elite also has an Oryon CPU, which includes a custom eight-core structure. In this structure, 2x prime cores work at a speed of 4.32 GHz and 6x performance units work at a speed of up…
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Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra leak reports 200mp camera 5500mah battery Updated Galaxy AI Features
Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra The wait has begun. Like every year, this year too in the month of January, Samsung can launch great premium smartphones, one of which may be named Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra, which will probably be the high-end ultra variant of the company. Leaked reports of this phone have started emerging, through which information about the leaked specifications and features of the phone has started coming. The phone is expected to have a new design, high capacity battery, great camera setup and many unique AI features. Display…
Read MoreDiwali offer on Samsung Galaxy S23 price drop under 10000 with discount on Diwali Sale
Samsung Galaxy S23 5G Price on Diwali Sale: If you are fond of smartphones then you must be aware of this premium phone of Samsung and its features. Samsung’s S series is a premium smartphone series. In this series, Samsung presents many of its innovative features and specifications, due to which the phones of this series are quite expensive. cheapest premium phone However, as time passes after launch, the price of Samsung’s premium phones keeps decreasing. Apart from this, during the sale, users get many special offers, through which users…
Read MoreSamsung Diwali Gift Galaxy Ring pre booking starts in india price features and details
Samsung: Samsung had launched a new magical ring a few months ago, which was said to be capable of taking complete care of the health of the users. The name of this magical ring of Samsung is Galaxy Ring. The company had launched this Samsung Galaxy Ring globally only a few months ago. Its sales have also started in many countries, but this product was not launched in India. However, its features were already known. Now Galaxy Ring will be sold in India also Now Indian users are also going…
Read MoreSamsung Galaxy S24 5G discount offer on Flipkart Big Shopping Sale check price specs features and more
Samsung Galaxy S24 5G: If you are also a Smasung lover and are thinking of buying a good phone at this time, then this is the best opportunity for you. Actually, right now there are great deals available in Flipkart Big Shopping Sale. There is an opportunity to buy the vanilla model of Samsung Galaxy S24 series in the sale at a very low price. In this sale, there is an opportunity to buy the base model of the phone with 128GB storage for Rs 14 thousand less. Not only…
Read MoreSamsung Galaxy S25 Series Leaks interface looks like apple iPhone post goes viral
Samsung Galaxy S25 Series Leaks: Samsung users are eagerly waiting for the new smartphone series Galaxy S25. This will be the most powerful smartphone series of the company. Many leaks are also emerging in the market regarding this. It is also being claimed that Samsung is going to show an Apple-like look with its new phone. The new user interface on social media is showing an interface similar to that of Apple iPhone, which is becoming increasingly viral. Tech leaker @IceUniverse has shared a mockup of the X (first). This…
Read MoreSamsung Galaxy S24 FE 5G launched in India with Galaxy AI Features specs and price in India
Samsung Galaxy S24 FE 5G Price in India: This Samsung phone was being awaited for the last several months. This is the cheapest smartphone of Samsung’s latest premium series i.e. S24 Series. This smartphone has also been launched in India today. Let us tell you about this phone. Colors and special features Samsung has launched this new phone in Blue, Graphite, Grey, Mint and Yellow colors. This phone will be made available for sale in the global market from October 3. The company has launched this phone in three variants.…
Read Moresamsung galaxy buds fe blasts in woman ear causes permanent hearing loss tukriye news
A shocking incident of Samsung’s TWS earbuds exploding has come to light. The woman lost her hearing ability due to the earbuds blasting in her ear. This incident has given tension to the whole world. A student named Bayajit had a Samsung S24 Ultra phone. He bought Samsung earbuds to use with it. After unboxing, he did not charge them because the earbuds had about 36% battery. His girlfriend was very excited about the new earbuds, she put the earbuds in her ear, after which one earbud exploded inside her…
Read MoreSamsung Galaxy M55s 5G Launched in India with 50MP Front Camera price specs details
50MP Front Camera Phone: Samsung keeps launching new phones in India. These Samsung phones are in different price ranges. Today i.e. on 23 September 2024, Samsung has launched another new phone in India, which comes in the mid-range price category. Samsung launches a new midrange phone The name of this phone is Samsung Galaxy M55s 5G, which is an upgraded version of Samsung’s old phone Samsung Galaxy M55 5G. Let us tell you about this new 5G phone of Samsung Galaxy. This phone has a hole-punch AMOLED display, which comes…
Read MoreXiaomi surpasses apple got second rank in smartphone market in august 2024
There has been a big ups and downs in the global smartphone market. Chinese smartphone company Xiaomi has reached the second position in the world in terms of sales. This is the first time since August 2021 that Xiaomi has overtaken Apple. However, there has been no major increase in Xiaomi’s sales volume. This has happened due to the low sales of Apple. According to a report by Counterpoint, Xiaomi has become the fastest growing smartphone brand in the year 2024. Xiaomi has outperformed in the month of August, which…
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