Mass marriage of 251 girls in Bageshwar Dham! Flour mill mill and sewing machine found in dowry, now newcomers will become self -sufficient

Mass marriage of 251 girls in Bageshwar Dham! Flour mill mill and sewing machine found in dowry, now newcomers will become self -sufficient

Last updated:February 27, 2025, 20:41 IST The mass marriage of 251 girls took place at Bageshwar Dham in Chhatarpur. This time, flour mill and sewing machine were given to make the bride and groom self-sufficient. 56 types of dowry materials, gold-silver jewelry were also given in the wedding. This initiative …Read more X Dowry material given to 251 girls Highlights The mass marriage of 251 girls took place at Bageshwar Dham in Chhatarpur. This time, a flour mill and sewing machine were given to make the bride and groom self-sufficient.…

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