Crowd gathered after the incident. – Photo : Amar Ujala Expansion Counting of votes has also been completed after the Lok Sabha elections. In Maharajganj Lok Sabha constituency (Saran district), BJP won the contest between two parties. But, the dispute between the supporters of both the parties is not stopping. Today a BJP supporter was murdered. The reason was that he refused to remove the party flag from his house. For this small matter, his opponents stabbed him to death. He was immediately admitted to the hospital. He died during…
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Mob Lynching In Bihar: Three People Were Badly Beaten For Firing On The Head Representative In Saran, One Died
Police carrying the dead body after the death of the alleged criminal in mob lynching – Photo: AMAR UJALA DIGITAL Expansion Villagers caught four youths and thrashed them on the charge of firing on a public representative in Saran, in which one died while the condition of three remains critical. The incident is of Mubarakpur village under Manjhi police station area. In relation to the incident, it is said that four youths fired at Vijay Yadav, the husband of Mubarakpur Panchayat head Aarti Devi, but fortunately, he survived the firing.…
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