science news

Miracle will happen in the sky after 8 days! Solar system will be visible from Earth, five planets will be seen together

If you are interested in astronomy, like to know about space, planets and stars then…

why crocodile tears are false phrase has really interesting reason behind it

Crocodile Tears Are Real or False: In childhood, we have heard such proverbs and idioms,…

From Taps To Bottle Caps Why Does Everything Open On The Left Side

Today, when I opened the tap to take a bath, a question came to my…

How does the breath coming out of the mouth become steam in winter, why doesn’t it happen in summer

You must have seen that as soon as winter starts, steam starts coming out of…

NASA took out the job of ‘lying on the bed’, after 2 months the selected people got lakhs of rupees!

NASA Recruits Volunteers for Lying in Bed: Many times we think if someone hires you,…

Students discovered the formula of ‘Mr India’, will disappear from the security camera as soon as they wear a special cloth!

Students Invent Invisibility Cloak: We all have science fantasy in life, which has not been…