This injection makes children grow up quickly and is used for wrong purposes

This injection makes children grow up quickly and is used for wrong purposes

Human trafficking is one of the biggest illegal businesses in the world. The business of human trafficking has been going on for centuries. But now human trafficking gangs, especially those involved in trafficking of girls, have started using an injection. With the help of this injection, these people make young girls grow up and then push them into the illegal business of prostitution. Let us tell you what this injection is and how it is being used to increase milk production in fruits, vegetables and animals apart from girls. Which…

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It remains normal for 6 months but the water of this river turns red in the month of Sawan.

It remains normal for 6 months but the water of this river turns red in the month of Sawan.

The month of Sawan is called the month of greenery. In this month you see green everywhere. But there is a river in this world that changes the color of its water in this month. Let us tell you about this unique river in detail. Along with this, we will also tell how the color of the water of this river becomes red or blue, yellow, green and sometimes black in the month of Sawan. Which river is this The river we are talking about flows inside the Serrania de…

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This part of the brain is amazing, it wakes up when a person sleeps and sleeps when he is awake

This part of the brain is amazing, it wakes up when a person sleeps and sleeps when he is awake

The most important organ in the human body is the brain. The whole body functions because of it. If the brain stops working, the person will go into a coma. Now let us tell you how big a new discovery in a part of the brain is for the future of humans. How was the discovery made Scientists from Washington University and California University were doing another discovery, but coincidentally during this discovery they made a discovery related to the brain that shocked the world. Actually, during the discovery, scientists…

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This person came back from a corner after touching death, his breathing stopped for 45 minutes

This person came back from a corner after touching death, his breathing stopped for 45 minutes

There is a movie of Salman Khan and Nawazuddin Siddiqui called ‘Kick’. Nawaz has a dialogue in it, ‘I can touch death and come back’. Actually, Nawaz’s character in this movie could hold his breath for a long time. Although, this was a movie story, but in the case that has come to light now, this has really happened to a person. Actually, this person’s breath stopped for 45 minutes and then suddenly he became alive. Let’s know how this happened. What is the whole matter? This case is from…

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How does an airplane weighing thousands of kilos stay stationary in the sky…why doesn’t it fall?

How does an airplane weighing thousands of kilos stay stationary in the sky…why doesn’t it fall?

If we throw even a small nail in the sky, it falls back towards the earth due to the gravity of the earth. But a plane weighing thousands of kilos still keeps flying in the air. Let’s know how this happens. Along with this, we will also know what science works behind this. What are the reasons behind the plane flying? The plane flies in the sky due to many reasons. The main reasons are – Aerodynamics turbulence, engine power, gravity and weight of the plane, control surface, apart from…

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Drinking water will be prepared from air and sunlight, this technology is being used

Drinking water will be prepared from air and sunlight, this technology is being used

The whole world is worried about drinking water. People are worried that the way fresh water is being exploited, it may happen that in the coming time, drinking water may disappear from the earth. However, now a technology has come which can remove this worry of people. Actually, with the help of this new technology, drinking water can now be made from air and sunlight. Who is making it? An American company has brought this technology to the market. The name of this company is Source. It is located in…

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How far can those who have the habit of sleepwalking go?

How far can those who have the habit of sleepwalking go?

You can guess how dangerous sleepwalking can be from the fact that a 19-year-old girl died in Mumbai. Actually, a girl living in Mumbai had the problem of sleepwalking. One night, while walking in her sleep, she fell down from the sixth floor of a building and died. In this sequence, let us tell you today that if someone has the problem of sleepwalking, how far can he walk in his sleep. Apart from this, we will also explain to you what causes a person to suffer from sleepwalking. First…

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What are the differences between men and women? How much difference is there between their bodies?

What are the differences between men and women? How much difference is there between their bodies?

Many things are different in the body of women and men. These differences make them different from each other. If you ask most people about the difference between men and women, they will give you examples of their appearance and physical structure. But there are many other differences between men and women that make them different from each other. Differences inside the body There is a difference in the reproductive organs of men and women. While women’s reproductive organs include ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina, men’s reproductive organs include…

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These rich people want to be alive again after thousands of years, dead bodies are being frozen in the lab

These rich people want to be alive again after thousands of years, dead bodies are being frozen in the lab

Death is the biggest truth of life, but even after this there are some people who want to be immortal or say that they want to be alive again and see the world after thousands of years from today. A lab is running for this in America, which is keeping the bodies of rich people safe for the future under the cryopreservation process after their death. Actually, these people believe that if any new technology comes in the future which can bring life back into the dead, then their bodies…

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botulinum toxin poison world’s most dangerous poison comes from bacteria

botulinum toxin poison world’s most dangerous poison comes from bacteria

When you talk about the world’s most dangerous poison, the first thing that comes to your mind is cyanide. Actually, cyanide is such a poison that after eating it, a person dies so quickly that till date no one has survived to tell what this poison tastes like. But it is not that cyanide is the most dangerous poison, today we will tell you about a poison which is the most dangerous poison among the naturally occurring poisons. Let us explain about it in detail. The most dangerous poison The…

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